Saturday, February 9, 2013

Zoya Faye

Hello lovely ladies!!  Its been a while!  A couple months ago, when Zoya was having the 3 polishes free with $10 shipping, I ordered my 3 and they FINALLY got here this week!  I've got a short post for today... These are the first Zoya's I've every owned and so far I must say- I'm not disappointed!

Zoya Faye is a rosey, mauvey, sparkle polish- honestly, that's the best way I can describe it!!  Faye has a pink/purple undertone color and shifts from gold, pink, purple- depending on what lighting your in!  I'm very happy with my first Zoya!  Faye went on smooth and in 3 very think coats, there wasn't any problem reaching opacity.  Also, I LOVE the Zoya brushes! They're big, but not too big that it makes it hard to control the polish.  

This polish was hard to photograph, only because it was hard to capture all of the colors in it!  I did the best I could though and this is what I got:

Indirect sunlight

Indirect sunlight

Direct sunlight

Direct sunlight
I love it!!  I chose this polish as one of my 3 free polishes because I didn't have anything really like it in my collection.  I wasn't too sure I was going to like it- but I actually really do!  What do you think of Zoya Faye?  Did you take advantage of Zoya's 3 free polishes back in December/January?  If you, which ones did you get and what do you think of them?  As always, I LOVE to hear from you guys and love any sort of feed back :)  Thanks for reading, and until next time- happy polishing!

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